How long is a pickleball court

How Long Is A Pickleball Court – Size Guide

The Pickleball court is not just any space; it’s a dynamic arena where players test their skills and strategy, all while relishing the thrill of the game. So, get ready to discover the specifics, the lengths, and the boundaries that shape this electrifying world of Pickleball.

A standard pickleball court is 20 feet wide and 44 feet long, with the same overall layout as a doubles badminton court.
Now, we’ll dive into the official measurements of a pickleball court and explore the differences between indoor and outdoor courts. We’ll also share some tips on how to measure and mark your own court accurately. 

How Long Is A Pickleball Court – Guide

When it comes to the exhilarating game of pickleball, the right court size isn’t just a detail; it’s a fundamental component of the playing experience. The USA Pickleball Association (USAPA) has meticulously defined the official dimensions of a pickleball court, setting the stage for fair and competitive gameplay.

Official Court Dimensions

According to USAPA regulations, a standard pickleball court spans 20 feet in width and 44 feet in length, accommodating both singles and doubles play. This meticulously crafted space ensures an optimal balance between player movement and strategic gameplay.

Divisions and Zones

The court’s width is seamlessly divided into two halves by a 36-inch-high net, creating a dynamic battleground for players. Within each half, distinct sections are demarcated, including the non-volley zone or kitchen area adjacent to the net, and the outer boundary area facilitating free player movement.

Markings and Boundaries

Specific lines play a crucial role in defining the pickleball court. These include baseline boundaries at each end, sideline boundaries along the court’s width, and center service lines partitioning each half-court into left and right service courts. These precise markings are essential for maintaining a fair and organized gameplay environment.

Flexibility for Recreational Play

While these dimensions are standard for competitive play, recreational players can make proportional adjustments to the court size, especially when space constraints are a concern. However, maintaining the relative ratios between different parts of the court is key to ensuring the integrity of the game.

Understanding and adhering to these official dimensions not only fosters fair competition but also guarantees a thrilling and enjoyable pickleball experience for players of all levels.

Differences Between Indoor and Outdoor Courts

Different Surfaces for Different Speeds Indoor courts have smooth floors for fast games, while outdoor courts have rougher surfaces, making the game slower.

Lighting Matters Inside, the lights are always the same, but outside, it depends on the sun and the weather.

Dealing with the Wind Wind can change how the ball moves outside but not inside.

Understanding these differences helps players play better in each place, making pickleball even more fun!

How to Measure and Mark a Pickleball Court

Measuring and marking a pickleball court is an important step in setting up your own playing area. 

Gather Your Tools 

You’ll need a measuring tape, chalk or paint, and stakes to mark your court accurately.

Find a Flat Spot 

Look for a flat area that’s 20 feet wide and 44 feet long. Measure carefully!

Mark the Corners 

Use stakes or markers to clearly show where each corner of the court is.

Add the Lines 

Create serving boxes 21 feet from each end and non-volley zones 7 feet from the net.

Double-Check Everything 

Make sure all your measurements are right before you finish marking. It’s better to be sure now than sorry later!

Following these simple steps and using the correct measurements will help you make a pickleball court that’s just right for everyone to enjoy!

Common Mistakes in Measuring a Pickleball Court

Accurate measurement is the key to a smooth and fair pickleball game, but some common errors can throw off the playing field. Here’s what to watch out for:

  • Know Your Dimensions Differentiate between indoor and outdoor courts: 20 feet by 44 feet for indoors and 22 feet by 40 feet for outdoors. Double-check before marking.
  • Mind the Buffer Zones Remember to include at least a five-foot buffer around the court to ensure player safety and prevent collisions with surrounding obstacles.
  • Perfecting the Angles Ensure that the corners form precise right angles, avoiding any boundary line extensions beyond the intended limits.
  • Choose the Right Tools Use appropriate tape designed for gym floors or outdoor surfaces to ensure clear visibility without causing damage.
  • Regular Maintenance Matters Periodically check and refresh markings to account for wear and tear or natural shifts, maintaining accurate measurements over time.

By sidestepping these common measurement pitfalls, you’ll lay the groundwork for an equitable and enjoyable pickleball experience for all players involved!

Other Factors to Consider in Choosing the Right Size for Your Court

Aside from the official dimensions of a pickleball court, there are other factors to consider when deciding on the size of your court. 

  • Space: Your available space is important. Adjust the court size if you have limited space.
  • Skill Level: If you’re a beginner or play casually, a smaller court might be better. Advanced players might prefer a larger court for longer rallies.
  • Surface Type: Different surfaces affect the ball’s speed and bounce. Consider this when choosing your court size.
  • Local Regulations: Check for any local rules about court size and placement in your area.
  • Number of Players: Think about how many people will use the court at once. A standard court is for doubles but works for singles too.

Considering these points alongside the standard dimensions can help you pick the right pickleball court size for your needs and style of play.


In conclusion, the standard size of a pickleball court is 20 feet wide and 44 feet long for both singles and doubles play. However, these dimensions might vary slightly based on the organization or facility where the sport is being played. Understanding the specific measurements of a pickleball court is crucial for players and enthusiasts to ensure adherence to the regulations and to maintain the integrity of the game. Whether engaging in casual play or competitive tournaments, having a clear grasp of the court’s dimensions is fundamental for a successful and enjoyable pickleball experience.


How small can you make a pickleball court?

The smallest standard pickleball court size is 20 feet wide by 44 feet long.

What is a standard pickleball net?

The standard pickleball net is 36 inches high at the sidelines and 34 inches high at the center.

Can you play pickleball on a tennis court?

Yes, you can play pickleball on a tennis court by using temporary pickleball lines and a portable net.

What is easier to play tennis or pickleball?

Pickleball is generally considered easier to play compared to tennis.

Can you play pickleball with 2 people?

Yes, you can play pickleball with 2 people.

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