How do you keep score in pickleball doubles

How Do You Keep Score In Pickleball Doubles – Complete Guide

Exploring pickleball doubles is like uncovering an exciting mix of strategy and agility. If you’re new to this fast-paced and addictive sport, you may be wondering how exactly the scoring works. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!
In Pickleball Doubles, the score is kept using a rally scoring system. Teams can only score points while serving. The serving team’s score is always called first, followed by the receiving team’s score. If a team wins a rally, they earn a point, and the serving team’s score increases by one.

Here, we will break down the intricacies of how score is kept in pickleball doubles, from the basics of point acquisition to the essential rules that govern scoring.

How Do You Keep Score In Pickleball Doubles – Guide

In pickleball doubles, the scoring system is relatively simple. The objective is to be the first team to reach a predetermined number of points and win by a margin of at least two points. 

Here’s how it works:

  • Starting Score: The serving team begins the game with a score of “0.”
  • Scoring Points: The serving team has the opportunity to score points. They can only score when they are serving, and they earn a point each time they win a rally (a sequence of shots until one team makes an error).
  • Rotation of Serve: Players on the serving team take turns serving, starting with the player on the right-hand side (even side of the court) when the game begins. The serving rotation continues until that side has lost the serve due to an error or a rally loss.
  • “Side Out” Rule: If the serving team makes an error or loses a rally, they lose the serve. The opposing team takes over the serve and starts with a score of “0.” This is known as a “side out.”
  • Winning the Game: The game typically has a predetermined target score, often set at 11 or 15 points (although it can vary depending on the players’ agreement). However, to win, a team must have a lead of at least two points over their opponents. If both teams reach the target score simultaneously without the required two-point lead, play continues until one team achieves this margin.

Keeping Score Accurately:

To maintain accuracy in scorekeeping, follow these guidelines:

Clear Announcements

After each point is scored, it’s essential to verbally announce the current score. This ensures that both teams and any spectators are aware of the score.

Stay Focused

Pay close attention to the game. Distractions can lead to errors in scorekeeping, so remain attentive to the action on the court.

Visual Aids

Consider using scorecards or a digital scoring app to keep track visually. Scorecards often have a grid where you can mark each point earned.

Two-Point Lead Rule

Always remember the requirement of a two-point lead to win. Avoid declaring a winner prematurely if the lead hasn’t been established.

Keep an eye out for faults and rule violations, and address them promptly to ensure the game’s fairness.

Basic Rules of Scoring in Pickleball Doubles

Understanding the scoring dynamics in pickleball doubles is essential for an exciting and fair game. The match typically concludes when one team reaches 11 points with a minimum two-point lead. Scoring happens only during serves, allowing the serving team to earn points. 

Failure to win the rally or a fault grants the opposing team a chance to serve and score.

The serve always originates from the right side, diagonally across the court. Once the ball is in play, players have the freedom to move within their respective halves. Following tradition, servers announce their score first, then their opponents’, fostering clear communication during gameplay.

Familiarizing yourself with these fundamental rules ensures accurate scorekeeping and an enhanced appreciation for the fast-paced nature of pickleball doubles.

Tips for Keeping Score Accurately

Keeping score accurately is essential in pickleball doubles to ensure fair play and maintain the integrity of the game. Here are some tips to help you keep score accurately:
1. Pay attention: It may seem obvious, but staying focused on the game can make a big difference in keeping score correctly. Avoid distractions and stay engaged throughout the match.
2. Use a scoring device: Invest in a reliable scoring device, such as an electronic scoreboard or a simple handheld tally counter. This will eliminate any confusion or potential errors caused by manual scoring methods.
3. Communicate with your partner: Constant communication with your partner is crucial when keeping score. Double-check each other’s scores after every point to avoid any discrepancies.
4. Know the serving order: Understanding the serving order is fundamental to accurate scoring in pickleball doubles. Keep track of which team serves first and when it switches sides during each game.
5. Familiarize yourself with the rules: Make sure you have a clear understanding of how points are awarded and when side-outs occur in pickleball doubles matches. Knowing these rules will prevent mistakes when tallying up scores.
By following these tips, you can confidently keep score accurately in pickleball doubles, ensuring that each team gets their deserved points without any confusion or disputes during gameplay.

Common Mistakes When Keeping Score and How to Avoid Them

Scoring accurately in pickleball doubles is essential to keep the game fair and enjoyable. Let’s delve into some key tips and useful information to help you master the art of scorekeeping in this exciting sport.

Announce the Score

Before each serve, make it a point to announce the score clearly. This simple act ensures that both teams are aware of the current score, reducing the chances of confusion during the game. A clear, loud declaration of the score is essential.

Track Serving Rotation

In pickleball doubles, only the serving team can earn points. To avoid errors, understand the serving rotation based on player positions (even or odd). Ensure that players take their turns serving correctly. Typically, in the first inning, the serving team starts with the player on the right-hand side. After that, each player serves until a fault is committed.

Double-Check Points

Miscounting points is a common mistake. To maintain accuracy, after each rally, compare notes with your partner or ask someone else watching the game for confirmation. This additional step helps prevent scoring discrepancies.

Understand “Side Out”

In pickleball doubles, when the non-serving team wins a rally, they not only earn a point but also gain the opportunity to serve next. This concept, known as a “side out,” is crucial to grasp. It means that the team that wins the rally gets both the point and the chance to serve in the next rally.

Keep an Eye on Faults

Aside from keeping track of points, be vigilant about faults, such as foot faults during serves and other violations. Address these issues promptly to maintain fairness in the game.

Use Scorecards

Consider using scorecards to help you keep track of the score. Scorecards are available for purchase or can be easily created. They provide a visual aid and can be a helpful tool for staying organized during the match.

Stay Focused

Pay close attention to the game. Distractions can lead to errors in scorekeeping. Make an effort to stay focused on the match to ensure accurate scoring.

Learn from Mistakes 

If a scoring mistake occurs, don’t dwell on it. Instead, learn from it and strive to improve your scorekeeping skills. Mistakes happen, but they can be valuable lessons for future games.

By following these tips and being diligent in your scorekeeping efforts, you’ll not only avoid common mistakes but also enhance your overall pickleball doubles experience. So, get out on the court, have fun, and keep those scores accurate!


To keep score accurately in pickleball doubles, utilize visual aids or technology tools if available. Communicate effectively, pay attention to details, and avoid common mistakes when scoring. Advanced techniques like strategic stacking can provide a competitive advantage. Practice and experience are key to mastering the art of keeping score and ensuring fairness on the court.


How are pickleball points scored?

In pickleball, points are scored only by the serving team. If the serving team wins the rally, they earn a point, and their score increases by one.

What do the three numbers mean in doubles pickleball?

In doubles pickleball, the three numbers represent the serving team’s score, the receiving team’s score, and the current server’s position (either 1 or 2) on the serving team.

How many sets is a pickleball match?

A pickleball match typically consists of the best of three sets. Each set is played to 11 points, and the winning team must have a lead of at least two points.

How do you score one on one pickleball?

In one-on-one pickleball, scoring follows the same rules as doubles, with points only being scored by the serving player. The first player to reach 11 points with a lead of at least two points wins the game.

How many points must you win by in pickleball?

In pickleball, there is no specific requirement for the number of points one must win by. The game continues until one team or player reaches the winning score with a lead of at least two points.

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