Can You Lose Weight Playing Pickleball

Can You Lose Weight Playing Pickleball – Reality

Many of you might wonder if you can shed those extra pounds while having fun on the pickleball court. The good news is, yes.  You can lose weight by playing pickleball.

Obesity is assessed by using the Body Mass Index (BMI). Reading over 25 indicates overweight and over 30 signalizes obesity. 

Pickleball is an effective way to help you on your weight loss journey. For every minute of play, you can burn from 8 to 11 calories. That means if you play for one hour you can burn around 480 to 660 calories.

Connection Between Pickleball and Weight Loss

Let’s discuss the Connection Between Pickleball and Weight loss in detail.

1 Calorie Burn

According to the Racquet Sports Center

A 160-pound person can burn about 500 calories per hour.

A 200-pound person can burn around 700 calories per hour.

And if you play at a higher intensity, a 160-pound person may burn up to 700 calories.

Your step count might fall between 4,000 and 7,000 steps, depending on how intensely and actively you play.

Your calorie burn in pickleball largely depends on how vigorously you play and your individual characteristics, primarily your weight.

2 Cardiovascular Fitness

Pickleball provides a cardiovascular workout. It enhances heart health and boosts calorie expenditure.

3 Consistency

Consistency in playing pickleball can play a crucial role in weight loss. It’s important to make it a regular part of your routine. Three sessions per week can give significant results.

4 Intensity

Focus on increasing the intensity of your pickleball sessions. Challenge yourself by playing against more skilled opponents.

5 Nutrition

Pair your pickleball sessions with a balanced diet. Minimize processed foods to avoid extra calories.

6 Recovery Time

Allowing sufficient time for rest and recovery is important. Overtraining can lead to injuries or burnout, hindering progress towards your goals.

7 Cross-Training Opportunities

Consider combining pickleball with other forms of exercise to keep things interesting and target different muscle groups. Incorporate activities like strength training, swimming, or cycling into your weekly routine for overall fitness enhancement.

Remember that everyone’s body is unique, so listen to yours. Pay attention to how you feel physically and mentally during and after playing pickleball as part of your weight loss plan.


Playing pickleball can be an effective way to lose weight and improve your overall fitness. This fast-paced sport combines elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis, providing a fun and challenging workout.

Pickleball is not only a great cardiovascular exercise but also helps in building strength and agility. It can burn a significant amount of calories depending on the intensity of your game. 

To maximize the weight loss benefits of pickleball, it’s important to maintain a healthy diet alongside regular play. Eating nutrient-rich foods that support energy levels and muscle recovery will enhance your performance on the court while aiding in achieving your weight loss goals.


How Many Calories Do You Burn With Pickleball?

On average, playing pickleball can help you burn around 300 to 500 calories per hour, depending on your weight and intensity of play.

What Are the Negatives of Pickleball?

While generally a low-impact sport, some negatives may include the risk of overuse injuries, particularly in the elbow, shoulder, or knee, if not played with proper form or technique.

Is Pickleball Hard on Your Body?

Pickleball is generally considered a low-impact sport, but improper techniques or overplaying can lead to strains or overuse injuries.

Is It Okay to Play Pickleball Everyday?

Playing pickleball daily can be fine if you vary the intensity, take rest when needed, and ensure proper warm-ups and cool-downs to prevent overuse injuries.

Does Pickleball Build Leg Muscle?

Pickleball can help build leg muscles, particularly in the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves, through the constant movements, lunging, and quick directional changes involved in the game.

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