When do you switch sides in pickleball

When Do You Switch Sides In Pickleball – Game Changer

One question that often bounces around the court, leaving players in suspense: when do you make that daring switch to the other side? Fear not, fellow pickleball enthusiasts, for we’re about to unravel the strategic dance of switching sides in this dynamic and addictive game. 

In pickleball, you switch sides with your partner when your team’s total score is an even number. This happens after every complete cycle of serving from both sides of the court. The side switch ensures fairness and equal opportunities for both teams throughout the game.

Let’s discover the court, explore the rules, and master the art of choosing the perfect moment to shake things up in pickleball.

Is It A Common Practice To Switch Sides In Pickleball?

Yes, in pickleball, you switch sides with your partner during the game. The switch typically occurs when your team’s total score is even, ensuring fairness and equal opportunities for both teams.

When Do You Switch Sides In Pickleball 

The strategic side switch occurs after each complete cycle of serving from both sides of the court, ensuring fairness and equal opportunities for both teams. Here we discuss further:

Methods for Switching Sides in Pickleball

Alternating Serves

This is the most common method for switching sides in pickleball, especially in competitive matches. In this method, each player serves for two points before switching sides with their partner. This ensures that both players have an equal opportunity to serve and return serve.

Switch Sides After a Certain Number of Points Are Scored

Another common method for switching sides in pickleball is to switch after a certain number of points are scored. This is often done in recreational matches, where players may want to switch sides more often than every two serves. The most common number of points to switch after is 7 or 11.

Switch Sides at the Start of Each Game

This is the simplest method for switching sides in pickleball. In this method, both teams simply switch sides at the start of each game. This is the most common method used in recreational matches.

Switch Sides at the Start of the Third Game 

In pickleball, a match is typically played to 11 points, win by 2. If the score is tied at 10-10, the match goes into a third game. In the third game, players switch sides after the first team scores 6 points. This is done to ensure that both teams have an equal opportunity to win the match.

How To Choose Which Method Of Switching Sides To Use In Pickleball

Level of play:

  • Competitive play: Use the alternating serves method. This means that each player serves twice before switching sides. This gives both teams an equal opportunity to serve and return serve.
  • Recreational play: You can use any method of switching sides that you and your partner agree on. However, it is common to switch sides at the start of each game.

Time constraints:

  • If you are short on time: You may want to switch sides after a certain number of points are scored or at the start of each game. This will allow you to play more games in a shorter amount of time.

Player preference:

  • Ultimately, the best method for switching sides is the one that both players agree on. Players should discuss their preferences before the match begins.

Simple explanation:

  • Competitive play: Switch sides after each player serves twice.
  • Recreational play: Switch sides at the start of each game.
  • Short on time: Switch sides after a certain number of points are scored or at the start of each game.
  • Player preference: Switch sides using the method that both players agree on.

Common Mistakes To Avoid When Switching Sides

Switching sides in pickleball is an essential aspect of the game, but it’s important to do it correctly. Making mistakes while switching can lead to confusion and even cost you points. Here are some common errors players make when switching sides and how to avoid them.

Communication is Key:

  • Clear communication with your partner is crucial.
  • Use verbal cues or hand signals to indicate the switch.
  • Ensure both players are on the same page for a smooth transition.

Timing Matters:

  • Avoid disrupting the flow of play by switching at inappropriate times.
  • Opt for natural breaks like timeouts or between games.
  • Choose moments that won’t interfere with an ongoing rally.

Mind Your Court Position:

  • Remember to adjust your position on the new side after the switch.
  • Each player should be strategically placed for optimal coverage.
  • Maintaining court awareness contributes to effective teamwork.

Don’t Rush the Process:

  • Take your time during side switches.
  • Ensure both you and your partner are ready before resuming play.
  • Rushing can lead to errors and disrupt the game’s momentum.

By addressing these points, you’ll enhance your ability to execute seamless side switches in pickleball, contributing to a more effective and enjoyable gameplay experience.


So, there you have it, the ins and outs of switching sides in pickleball. It’s not just a routine; it’s a strategic dance on the court. Remember to keep the communication flowing with your partner, time those switches wisely during breaks, mind your court positions, and, of course, don’t rush the process. Smooth side switches can be a game-changer, maintaining the rhythm of play and increasing your chances of acing it on the pickleball court. Now go out there, switch it up, and enjoy the game!


How do you know when to switch sides in pickleball?

In pickleball, players switch sides when their team’s total score is even, ensuring fairness during the game.

Can you switch sides with your partner in pickleball?

Yes, players switch sides with their partners during the game, usually when their team’s score is even.

How do you determine which side serves first in pickleball?

The team that scores first in pickleball determines which side serves first, and they serve from the right-hand side of the court.

What is a sideout in pickleball?

A sideout in pickleball occurs when the serving team fails to score or loses a point, resulting in a loss of serve to the opposing team.

How do you switch serves in pickleball?

In pickleball, serves switch between the serving team members after each point scored.

How does side out scoring work?

In side out scoring, only the serving team can score points. If the receiving team wins the rally, they earn the serve but do not score a point. Games are typically played to 11 points, and the serving team must win by at least two points.

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