Can you double hit in pickleball

Can You Double Hit In Pickleball – Rules and Myths!

It’s a common question for both beginners and enthusiasts. In this guide, we’ll not only provide you with a clear answer but also explain the ins and outs of double hitting in pickleball, leaving no room for confusion. Let’s dive in and unravel this rule together!

In pickleball, intentionally double hitting the ball is not allowed. According to the rules, a double hit occurs when a player strikes the ball twice consecutively during a single stroke or shot. This rule is in place to maintain fairness and uphold the integrity of the game.

So grab your paddle and let’s settle this once and for all: can you really double hit in pickleball? Let’s find out!

Can You Double Hit In Pickleball –  Guide

Pickleball is a paddle sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis. It is played on a rectangular court with a net in the middle. The game can be played as singles (one player on each side) or doubles (two players on each side). The objective is to score points by making the ball land in the opposing team’s court while following certain rules.

One common question that arises in pickleball is whether it’s permissible to “double hit” the ball. A double hit occurs when a player strikes the ball twice in quick succession with their paddle. Let’s uncover the rules and nuances surrounding double hitting in pickleball.

Rules Regarding Double Hits

In pickleball, double hitting is generally allowed but with certain limitations and conditions:

Consecutive Hits

A player is allowed to hit the ball twice in a row only if the first hit was unintentional. For example, if the ball accidentally hits your paddle twice due to a bad bounce or an unexpected change in direction, it’s not considered a fault.

Intentional Double Hits

Deliberately hitting the ball twice with your paddle in one continuous motion is against the rules. If a player intentionally double hits the ball, it results in a point for the opposing team.

Continuous Motion

To avoid committing a double hit, make sure that your paddle movements are fluid and continuous. If there’s a noticeable pause or hesitation between the two hits, it may be considered a double hit.

Doubles Play

In doubles play, both members of a team can hit the ball consecutively as long as the first hit was unintentional. This means that if one player accidentally hits the ball twice, their partner can still take their own shot.

Importance of Proper Form

To avoid double hits and play pickleball effectively, proper form is crucial. Here are some essential tips:

  • Maintain a relaxed grip on your paddle.
  • Keep your eye on the ball and focus on timing your shots.
  • Practice your swing to ensure it flows smoothly and avoids interruptions.

Double Hit Rule Requirements

In pickleball, the double hit rule is straightforward. A player cannot hit the ball twice consecutively during a single shot. Both contacts with the ball must occur in one continuous paddle swing; any pause or interruption between them is not considered a double hit.

Unintentional double hits can occur during fast-paced rallies, but whether intentional or not, two quick consecutive contacts are a violation of the rule. This rule ensures fairness by preventing players from gaining an unfair advantage.

Common Misconceptions About Double Hits

There are several common misconceptions surrounding the double hit rule in pickleball. 

Timing Matters

A double hit can occur even with a slight delay between paddle contacts. According to official rules, any two distinct hits with the same side of the paddle constitute a double hit.

Skill Level Doesn’t Guarantee Immunity

Double hits can happen to players of all levels, including professionals, during fast-paced rallies. The speed of the game can lead to unintentional violations.

Skillful Intent Not an Excuse

Some believe skillful double hits should be allowed if they don’t significantly impact gameplay. However, this contradicts the fairness principle of pickleball; the rule exists to maintain equal opportunities for all players.

How to Avoid Committing a Double Hit

Committing a double hit in pickleball can be frustrating, especially if it results in losing the point. Thankfully, there are strategies you can employ to avoid this occurrence and maintain control over the game.

Ensure both paddle contacts occur in one continuous motion, avoiding any pauses between hits.


Maintain a firm yet relaxed grip on your paddle to prevent unintentional secondary contacts.


Position yourself correctly before each shot to maintain balance and control.


Practice consistent strokes and follow-throughs to improve accuracy and reduce the risk of accidental double hits.

By focusing on timing, grip, footwork, and technique, you can minimize the chances of committing a double hit and improve your overall performance on the pickleball court.

Strategies for Dealing with a Double Hit

When facing the possibility of a double hit in pickleball, consider these strategies to stay on the right side of the rules:

1. Master Footwork and Positioning

  • Good footwork and court positioning are essential.
  • Being in the right place at the right time helps you execute clean shots.

2. Focus on Paddle Control

  • Maintain a firm grip on your paddle.
  • Practice precise paddle movements during ball strikes.
  • This reduces unintended contact between the paddle and ball during fast-paced exchanges.

3. Effective Communication

  • In doubles play, communicate clearly with your partner.
  • Define who should take each shot to avoid confusion or overlapping, which can lead to accidental double hits.

4. Stay Calm and Analyze

  • Avoid panicking when faced with a potential double hit situation.
  • Take a split second to analyze the ball’s trajectory before making contact.

By incorporating these strategies into your gameplay, you can significantly decrease the risk of committing a double hit, ensuring fair and enjoyable play on the pickleball court.

The Debate Surrounding Double Hits in Professional Pickleball Matches

The issue of double hits in professional pickleball matches has stirred up passionate discussions. Let’s break down the arguments on both sides of the debate:

1. Leniency for Unintentional Double Hits

  • Fast-Paced Nature: The rapid pace of pickleball often leads to unintentional double hits, as players react quickly to the ball’s movements.
  • Natural Instincts: Some argue that penalizing these accidental double hits too harshly disrupts players’ natural instincts and the fluidity of the game.

2. Stricter Enforcement for Fair Play

  • Upholding Integrity: Stricter rules are seen as crucial for maintaining integrity in professional pickleball matches, ensuring a level playing field.
  • Skill Development: Advocates for stricter enforcement believe it encourages better shot selection and skill development.
  • Preventing Manipulation: They argue that leniency could be exploited by players seeking an advantage through intentional manipulation.

The debate over whether double hits should be allowed in professional pickleball matches continues to rouse fervent discussions among players, officials, and spectators. The question of striking the right balance between preserving the sport’s excitement and ensuring fair competition remains unanswered.


In conclusion, while double hits can happen in pickleball, it’s essential to understand the rules and practice proper technique to avoid them. Remember, both intentional and unintentional double hits are violations of the rules. By working on your timing, grip, footwork, and technique, you can play a cleaner and more effective game of pickleball while minimizing the risk of double hits. So, stay sharp, stay focused, and enjoy your game on the court!


How many times can you hit the ball in a row in pickleball?

You can hit the ball in a row as many times as needed, but each hit must be part of a continuous and single motion. Consecutive hits without interruption are allowed.

What are illegal hits in pickleball?

Illegal hits in pickleball include double hits (hitting the ball twice in a row with intention), volleying from the non-volley zone (the kitchen), and hitting the ball out of bounds.

Can you use 2 paddles in pickleball?

No, you cannot use two paddles simultaneously in pickleball. You must play with a single paddle.

Can you hit overhand in pickleball?

Yes, you can hit overhand (with an overhead motion) in pickleball, as long as you follow the rules and maintain a legal shot.

Can you hit hard in pickleball?

Yes, you can hit the ball hard in pickleball, but it must stay within the bounds of the court. Powerful shots are a common strategy in competitive play.

Can you hit topspin in pickleball?

Yes, you can use topspin in pickleball. Applying topspin can add variety and control to your shots, especially when you need to put some spin on the ball.

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